Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Loves happens only once

                                Loves happens only once

U mite thinking that it’s really a impractical thing. But guys it’s a fact “LOVES HAPPENS ONLY ONCE REST ALL ARE EXPRIENCE.  The first love that happens to us is always exciting. Some of us used to think about her/him full night and day.  Sum of us used to hide ourselves inside in blanket and used to sweat like anything but still we did it just to have a SMS chat with  him/her. Recharge our mobile regularly and activate the SMS scheme just to be in touch wid her/him all day and nite.  The thing that we shared about him/her with our friend with a feel of joy and a strange feeling of excitement which can’t be describe in words.  
But some are not that lucky to have same first love throughout the life . Though we move ahead in life and meet someone and fall in love again. But this time it not just love we are committing with each other but with an experience. An experience that we got from our first love. The old same exciting doesn’t remain anymore. We become more practical saying that it’s impossible with you all the time and that we have responsibility.
The famous Hindi dialogue that “we can spend our whole life with each other just on love , suddenly changes to “Be practical loves aint enough we need money to survive.  WE become smarter and more practical. But we still cant  forget our first love,strange but true :).

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